by Microsoft Corporation


not available

-Create your own databases (unlimited).-Data-types functions: Text, Number, Image, Checkbox, Location GPS, Phone, E-mail, Link.
-Recognition / listen Voice in English, American English, Spanish, French and German.
-Instant translation and memorization of the entire app into English, Spanish, Chinese, French, German and Russian.
-All fields can be introduced and monitored through voice, can activate the microphone with a gentle shake of the smartphone.
-They may also be introduced by barcode using the scanner smartphone camera. Since you can set options that activate shake barcode scanner instead of the microphone.
-Every Picture field has the search options in gallery or sdcard, taking photos, editing / modification and zoom.
-Also the Image field is capable of displaying images / photos http server.
A field of type-GPS location (Latitude, Longitude, Height) has GPS input button that memorizes the three coordinates, and button output map showing the location on the google maps. This field type is ideal for saving addresses, also showing them on google maps.
-One type can be entered from phone contact list and make calls directly by pressing call button.
-The same each field of type E-mail e-mail and keep linking us to our email program.
-Quick search function from any field records.
- NEW! All fields have the function/button to generate its QR code.
- NEW! Field number 15 configured like IMAGE allows you to enter firms/rubrics using touch screen (see video).
-You can modify the structure of any database in use, adding and deleting fields, changing names and labels, changing data types, at any time without losing anything.
-We also have database model as MUSHROOMS, that serve as example to create others.
-We can create excel CSV files from our databases and export them to the sdcard.
-Import CSV excel files from server or from the sdcard and can be made to add as a new database. Since options choose default delimiter is the comma.
-After adding a database excel imported from a CSV file can configure each field with the appropriate data type.
-This APP is evolving steadily and all updates will be free.